The Adherence Project
The EU-PFF Adherence Project

In 2022, EU-PFF started to work on a Europe-wide survey on treatment adherence in patients suffering from pulmonary fibrosis. Its primary objective is to assess the extent to which people adhere to their medications and to investigate motivations and patterns of adherence, including identifying factors, which increase the likelihood of missing a dose of medication. Recommendations will be made to improve support and information for patients with the aim of improving adherence within the patient population.

Amongst other things, the findings of this survey will be used to provide the patient community and EU-PFF with the evidence to make recommendations to other stakeholders, in order to improve adherence within the patient population.

The survey is available in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Spanish languages and will run from September 6th until January 7th 2024

You can either click the button below and select your language on the survey page in the upper left corner or use one of the language-specific links.

About the project
Click to find out more

Aims of the EU-PFF Adherence Project

    1. To assess the extent of suboptimal adherence and to investigate motivations and behavioural patterns of adherence in a European patient sample.
    2. To identify factors increasing the probability of being in the high, medium or low adherence groups
    3. To make recommendations to improve support and information provided to patients with the ultimate aim of improving adherence within the patient population.
    4. To provide insights into regimes where adherence is either optimal or sub-optimal for the purpose of understanding the impact of administration method, frequency or dosage.

The evidence gathered during this study can affect

    • Access: education to clinicians around adherence behaviours and incorporating this into individual treatment plans
    • Education: scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals for researchers
    • Support for patients: Education, information and awareness campaigns
    • Research in pharma: Insights into adherence preferences, behaviours and motivations including modes of administration which can be considered in relation to therapies
    • Policy and policy makers: Information about adherence behaviours in relation to modes of administration and treatments can inform decision-making around new therapies

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